Mahindra is the latest vehicle brand to put its money where its mouth is and back an important community service.
The Indian auto giants, fresh from announcing a new production plant in the U.S., are doing something a lot more ‘grassroots’ locally – they’ve provided a Mahindra Genio to Toowomba mental health support service, Karakan.
Related: 2018 Mahindra Genio specifications released
The vehicle will be used by Karakan on its lawn mowing and garden maintenance project in and around the Queensland city.
Paul Booker, Karakan General Manager, tells us the Mahindra will be ideal to carry both people and equipment.
“We have seen a significant increase in the demand for our supported employment and with the funding for our new lawn mowing and garden maintenance social enterprise, a vehicle was really the last piece of the puzzle to get it up and running.
“We had approached quite a few local suppliers. However, we are grateful to Hughes Car Sales and Mahindra for a prompt response.
“The Mahindra Genio really fits well into our needs. With its stylish exterior and our stickers and signwriting it will really stand out in the community.”
Related: Mahindra and Ford team up
Stay up to date with the latest Mahindra News at behindthewheel.com.au.
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