Mercedes-Benz finds workload and traffic headline concerns…
As many as one in five van and commercial vehicle drivers could be suffering from a mental health issue.
That was the finding from a new study commissioned by Mercedes-Benz Vans in the UK.
The study was undertaken as part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2017 and involved more than 2,000 van owners and operators.
It was found that almost one in five van drivers describes their current mental health as poor or very poor, with three-quarters commenting that work is a contributory factor.
More than half of the van drivers with poor mental health said that increased time pressures (52%) and increased workload (50%) are factors affecting their mental health.
One in three believe job uncertainty is contributing to their poor mental health and 17% of delivery drivers nominated road congestion as an issue impacting their state of mind.
Despite this, only one in three van drivers who believes their mental health to be suffering have spoken to their manager about their concerns.
Steve Bridge, Managing Director of Mercedes-Benz Vans UK, says the results are concerning.
“With a continued surge in online shopping, an increasing reliance on same-day deliveries and spiralling traffic volumes, the real-world pressures on van drivers are changing.”
Assistance for Australian commercial vehicle drivers suffering from stress, anxiety and depression can be obtained 24/7 from BeyondBlue.
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