Disappointment for LDV in Australia with the Chinese brands G10 commercial van and people mover gaining only a three-star ANCAP safety rating.
The crash test authority tells us the LDV G10 delivered a below-par level of structural safety and safety specifications.
Both variants were handed a score of 24.49 out of 37, with Frontal Offset Test results (9.37 out of 16) bringing the LDV offering down.
The vehicle did score a 16 out of 16 in the Side Impact Test.
However, it also lost points for having just one seatbelt reminder, while ANCAP did not complete a Pole Test, nor rate either offering for Whiplash Protection or Pedestrian Protection.
ANCAP CEO James Goodwin says the result is disappointing.
“There were a number of serious concerns with the G10’s structural performance with the driver footwell rupturing and excessive pedal movement.
“Steering column and dash components were also a potential source of knee injury for the driver and passenger.
“The G10 also lacks important safety features such as head- and chest-protecting side airbags and seatbelt pre-tensioners which consumers today expect to be provided as standard – particularly in a vehicle which can carry up to nine passengers.”
“The safety standards of passenger and commercial vans remains well below those offered in other segments with 67% of vans rated by ANCAP holding a rating of four stars or less.
“We urge all brands to ensure an emphasis on safety carries across all market segments.”
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Stay up to date with all the latest LDV News at uteandvanguide.com.au.
Maybe you might like to edit the following clause:
Disappointment for LDV in Australia with the Chinese brands G10 commercial van and people mover gaining only a “five-star” ANCAP safety rating.
Thanks Ron, amended. We’ll fire the proof reader!