Tesla asks for suggestions on pick-up

Tesla looking to get new electric pick-up just right

tesla pick-up

The Tesla story is continuing to unfold, despite concerns about the EV manufacturers bottom-line putting question marks over new models, including the long-awaited pick-up.

Tesla has already begun producing the Model 3, a more affordable option for buyers than the Model S and the Model X, and the Elon Musk-led business has a roadster, a crossover SUV, and an electric prime mover in the pipeline too!

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But there are concerns slower than expected production of the Model 3 is putting a strain on finances and could jeopardise the fortunes of the operation moving forward.

Either way, Tesla and their enigmatic leader, are promising the Tesla pick-up is coming to showrooms.

And it will share the same platform as the truck!

Expected to look something like the draft above, Musk has turned to Twitter to ask his followers what they look for in a pick-up.

Some of the suggestions from the public included:

  • Dynamic suspension that adjusts depending on load weight
  • Retractable steps to help you enter and exit the vehicle
  • Automatic parking capability
  • Four-wheel steering

elon musk tweet pick-upHowever, despite the chatter about the Tesla pick-up the Tesla founder didn’t make a firm commitment around a possible production commencement date.

Musk has only said previously that the company was “dying to build” the vehicle.

We’ll keep you updated as further details come to hand.

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Stay up to date with the latest Tesla Pick-Up News at uteandvanguide.com.au.

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